Stormwater Solutions
Our Services
Project Management
Provides services to manage complex projects to bring numerous partners around the table collectively to solve problems and secure the funds needed to implement solutions.
Watershed Planning
Provides services to access, improve, and avoid human impacts from the built environment to other humans living downhill and downstream and to streams and our precious water resources.
Impact Analysis
Provides services in community-wide collaboration to facilitate planning efforts where numerous stakeholders are involved to cultivate partnerships in communities and watersheds to improve living conditions and water quality at the same time.
Our Story
Stacy “River” Arnold is the Founder, Facilitator, and Watershed Planner of Stormwater Solutions LLC, and she has devoted over 20 years to gain knowledge and experience in the watershed management field. As a lifelong resident of Missouri, she grew up in the rural southwest area of the state observing and learning from water in the form of an Ozark stream and gained a deep appreciation for the natural world with landscapes, livelihoods, and water in mind. She is now a human bridge as she has spent her adult life in the St. Louis urban area, and she can easily talk to and connect with various audiences to better navigate different scenes. Her coursework completed through the forestry program at University of Montana (U of M) in northwestern Montana with a 21,432 acre living classroom, the Lubrecht Experimental Forest, and the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, an area of more than 1.5 million acres, has helped her gain an additional perspective that is not taught in other areas in the U.S. to add to her knowledge in this field and extreme respect for and understanding of the natural world.
“Water has been and always will be my greatest teacher.” ~ Stacy